Thursday, 29 May 2008
on the road again
It was so empty and so different after I moved all my stuff.
But it is time to move, time to change.
I will miss my 25 sqm humble abode, with the smashed blue sofa and the little ladder leading to my 1 m tall bedroom.
"Leaving is a bit like passing away" (Italian common saying). So true.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
What I have been missing
While I was rallying with my bike on the traffic of the small town where I was born, I thought that when you are abroad, you always remember the good sides of your country and you tend to forget the tricky ones. I guess this happens because you tend to get used to things that do not work too efficiently, but when you go abroad, you get used to things that work...mmmm my reasoning might be complicated, but whatever.
It is so weird to be here and understand everything that people say- sometimes I wish I could not-. I am mixing up languages and sometimes cannot find the right words in my mothertongue. Embarassing, especially when you go to the local gelateria. Everyone stares at me because I don't wear stockings now that it is 15°C. For my friends it is really cold, considering that it is the end of may. For me is really warm, considering that I have been living 3 months in the windy Helsinki.
Just to answer the question, I can say that I have been missing my family, my friends, my house, the weather. Even if it has been raining since I came back, I cannot complain.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Yesterday I was emptying my suitcase and, at the same time, my mamma was keeping me company just by cleaning her wardrobe. "Do you think this is still fashionable?".MMMM...she was showing me a black silky bodysuit decorated with airy yellow and red roses. "Uh, ya, it is good to put it on at carnival, if you want to look 80's."
I love those moments in which we are so honest to each-other that we can make comedy out of it.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Back to a student life
I was reading my notes from last year. I HAVE TO quote these:
" For some scholars, nominal rigidities are not close to the real world. Thus, it seems that introducing them is a bit like cheating :) ".
"Neo-keynesians say that nominal rigidities are pervasive. For instance, the price of a newspaper remains the same. We could argue that, OK, the price remains the same, but the number of pages ↓ . It then becomes a matter of quantity and quality :) , but anyways...."
Fortunately, my notes are not always like these.
Monday, 12 May 2008
Swedish feminists have achieved a remarkable result:
Finnish feminists of course noted that a proper feminist or anyways a real woman should have instead trousers and short hair.
Should she also have a penis, to be respected?
Fortunately, I am not a swedish taxpayer, otherwise I might be quite disappointed in seeing how government money is wast...hem, used.
Anyway, I like to interpret that traffic sign as: women are incapable to drive, and especially to park their car. That's why only women cross the street.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
I’m so emotionally moved. So happy. So sad. So drunk.
My paper has been published, all the documents have been signed. I left a huge plate of salame di cioccolato in the kitchen of my workplace and went for lunch with my research unit. The food was excellent, the restaurant was cosy. But the company was really special. I really think that now I can consider them “my workfriends”.
Last night I had a dream: I was in an archery competition as a spectator. It was a really “big” tournament, but obviously I could not participate because I did not have enough training. I clearly remember that in the dream I said: “this is like suffering of diabetes and being in a candy store”.
At lunch, my work friends have revealed that they decided to hire me for an internship because when I sent them my CV, they saw that I had being doing archery. According to them, that means “hard work, concentration, willingness to pursue your objectives”. Indeed, it has been a gym for life. But working here, in this research centre, has been the best experience I could hope for. Even the guy of the team that usually torpedoes everyone has had nice words and nice tips for me. I will miss them. When I wrote my report, I thought of all the things that I have learned in these three months and what a nice opportunity this has been for me. The only thing I could say to them when they gave me a present (a book - Books are always my favourite present, I will explain why in the next post) was: “thank you”. I wanted to say so many other things, but everything and nothing came to my mind, at the same time. In this period, they have started to know me, so I guess they know that I am shy - sometimes.
Back from lunch, I went upstairs for a coffee. The guys there made me a small party. We chatted a bit, drinking some soda mixed with some strong alcohol that they took from behind a door. I had a feeling that I did not want to go away, but I had to let them work, so I went back in my office. And there came some other work friends, some giving presents, some hugging, some others shaking hands. Even those that I would have never expected.
By the way, my salame di cioccolato was so successful…all the women in the office asked the recipe!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
The weather is not hostile anymore and it is difficult to go away from
“How many copies would you like to have for yourself?” I don’t know. I look outside: the sun shines. I say five. The streetlamp seems a teeter-totter hanging between my office building and the one on the opposite side. I remember when a couple of months ago it was hit by the snow and by the cruel wind. Now, even an object like that seems cheerful. “After I send these to print, I go away. So, have a nice summer!”. And she goes. Summer is so close, indeed. And there comes my supervisor. My research unit invites me for a nice lunch tomorrow. And I am wondering which cookies I should bake for my goodbye.
Monday, 5 May 2008
Sunday, 4 May 2008
so, we spent the weekend at the country side
I would really like to try once to roll myself in the snow after sauna, in winter time. Somersaults in the snow. I am sure it is worth trying it, at least it does not sound as extreme as making a hole in the ice (that covers the surface of the lake) and then plunge into it, like a hot cookie in cold coffee…;)
From the magicside, with love.
post vappu
After that, the week at work went smoothly, between one celebration and another. It has started with three cakes at three o’clock to celebrate the successful doctorial dissertation of one of my colleagues. Then there has been a quite informal birthday party that made me a bit tipsy, so that I got some good ideas to write for my project. And then VAPPU!
Vappu-eve: Helsinki got a beautiful weather as a gift. Rivers of people going towards Manta . Every year a different student union has the duty to put on her head the white cap that every Finn gets when graduating from high school. At six o’clock, punctual, the statue gets the hat and all the people start to wear it. From then on, the city gets full of people in a party mood that lasts till the evening of the day after. University students wearing pimped overalls, grandpas whose hat is now yellow. Somebody wears funny sunglasses, most of the people have a drink in their hand and children get balloons. It almost seems carnival. Then, on the actual Vappu day, trams that go towards the park in Ullanlinna get packed. In the morning, the park is already filled with people that gather for a picnic. I would list it as one of my favorite party occasions. It is really a moment in which it does not matter what you do in your life. Everyone is equal; everyone enjoys staying on a picnic blanket with family and friends, tasting good food and drinking sparkling wine. Babies and grown up. Sometimes you spot someone you know, you offer something at your picnic place. Some other time, you go for a walk and you happen to see some of your friends. Someone plays guitar or trumpet, somebody the radio. The park is so colorful that it seems the Woodstock concert.
I have been asked how we celebrate the first of May in Italy. Mainly I guess that those that have a garden organize a barbecue, but in general I do not know too much. For sure nothing like here.