Sunday 16 November 2008

(some) women at home

I have always been wondering why most of the men like despotic women and end up marrying them. I mean: how can they be totally dominated by somebody that unrelentingly gives orders?
I first thought it was a matter of excuses. It is always credible for them to say that they can't go somewhere with friends just because their women do not want. It is always easy for them to say: "hey, we cannot come cus my wife is tired". So, I have always thought that men enjoy beeing victims.
However, there is another explanation, which is much simpler. Men miss their moms, so they need somebody to tell them what to do.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

cars and owners

Have you ever noticed that dogs always look and behave like their owners? Well, another natural association I made recently is about cars and owners in Italy.

Generally, who is the owner of a Mercedes Class A? A woman of any age, that generally thinks that the driving mirror is really useful if used to check the status of her make up. A woman for whom it takes 20 minutes to park the car in a place where a truck would fit. A woman unaware of traffic and roundabouts: a woman that can't drive.

Smart! Yuhu! Smart-car is practical if you live in big cities. In the town where I live, smart is used by "wanna be cool" people who think that the dimensions of their vehicle allows them to be pirates.

Mini: any student of business who uses a little amount of fantasy for choosing clothes and ends up beeing like all the other stereotipical Bocconians: jeans, Gucci shoes, Tommy or Ralph shirt, Fred Perry jumper and probably Dolce&Gabbana underwear.

The SUVs like the BMW X5: people that need to feel important and need to be noticed. Generally short women or men with a small device in their pants.

Yesterday an idiot with a Mini bumped into my car. Guess what he looked like!