Thursday, 24 April 2008

The dark side of the moon

I was afraid I was going to behave as Charles Bukowsky character in "tales of ordinary madness". In the book, the guy is a poet and he is going to make a public reading of his best works to a group of students. The day before the event, he goes partying and gets wasted drunk. Obviously, the day after, he is super-hangover and he can barely stand. Of course, before the reading, he pours all the content his whiskey flask into the coffee thermos. And he gets drunk again.
Fortunately last night I went to a party, but I was totally sober, so today at the presentation of my paper, I was awake and I did not have any Bukowsky moment. Quite a surprise. I had more fun than at last night’s party. At least here people do not suffer from Napoleon Complex .

I don’t want to sound polemic or snobbish, but I am really glad that my studies encourage me in using my intellect. I do not have too much to share with those who need to display their appearances, the same people that need to be rude to be cool. I am sorry. I am glad that I am having my first work experience in a research institute, where people are really trying to make the world go round and do not speak just for their voices sake.

PS. Just to show the mean side of me, I report here some of the thoughts that flashed in my mind last night:

1) It would be nice to apply a volume-control knob to some people, whose voice can cover the music in a club, but never make it when they have to say hello.

2) Some women have a case of Napoleon Complex. Maybe having a sausage between their legs would make them feel better.

PPS. I feel sorry that I have just two weeks left at my workplace. I have learned a lot and I have been lucky to be offered such a wonderful experience.

PPPS. Congratulation to Emma Marcegaglia, voted with 103 votes out of 105 disposable as president of Confindustria. Some would say: that woman has balls. I wonder: what they would say if she was a man: that guy has tits!?!?

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