Sunday, 1 June 2008

My dirty secrets

When you go out totally scruffy, without make-up and maybe with horrible dark rings around
your eyes, you end up meeting someone you know. Isn't it?

A couple of days ago I was in a rush to go to the dentist. I had to wake up really early, and of course be there on time. Of course, I woke up too late to have a decent shower. Ok, nevermind. I managed to grab the worst combination of random clothes from my wardrobe, whisk away my bike and notice that the back tyre was broken, take a jacket that made me sweat all the way.
Without being too concerned about my wild mane and my pale face without the minimum sign of make up, I was pedaling really fast not to arrive late, and there I meet her, one of the chattiest friends of my mom.
"Ciiiaaaooo, How are youuu??"
"mmm"-yawning- good, I am sorry but I am in a hurry..."
"ooowww, but where are you goooiiing, so early in the morning???".
If there is something I don't like, is inquisitive people.
"I'm going to the dentist, I woke up early and I look like a ghost."
"ooowww, I hate going to the dentist, not because it is painful, but because he puts his hands in my mouth..and don't say you look bad, you are always so beautiful!".
OOOOHHHHH another thing I hate is people that tell lies just to please you.
Fortunately, I managed to get rid of her and arrive to the dentist almost on time. On the way there, I was thinking of all the unpleasant situations that happen with some people that are not my friends and that make me feel un-confortably numb.
First, there came to my mind the sentence that some like to tell me: "HAVE YOU LOST WEIGHT?". Presupposition: my weight has been the same for the past 10 years (apart from an exception). The most irritating thing is when the questioner insists, after I have answered with a clear NO. Probably fashion makes me look thinner or then people scann me every time they see me. But, even if I lost weight, I find the question quite intrusive. What if I were anorectic or I had to loose weight for some medical reasons??
Second sentence that arises a bit of disconcert is: "THAT SKIRT/DRESS/SHOE/NECKLACE/SHIRT IS NEW". Probably, people always see me with the same clothes. It makes me think that I give the perception of being always wearing old filthy clothes.
Then, since I am not a good liar, I always hate when people are asking my opinion about something I don't like, but they are enthusiastic about. I always try to find some way to escape the question. For example: "How, this dress is wonderful, don't you think?". And maybe, the person in question is fighting with the zip in order to close it. I guess I should learn to be more diplomatic.
I hate, detest, loathe (::) the situations in which people treats me as if I was incapable to look after myself. Therefore, it is really embarassing when I am forced to eat when I am not hungry, put clothes when I am perfectly fine, being scanned when I eat something that I am not expected to like, being looked like a blond bimbo if I wear something a bit out of the ordinary.
Rebel rebel, put on your dress....rebel rebel..

Now I understand why I always walk barefoot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But you know, a life without a rebel is a boring life. (read: most of people are living a boring life)

I have never understood, why people are not eager to stand on the barricades. I would be the first one to throw the rock. As usual. ;)