Sunday 7 September 2008


Pudgy, short, bald. At a first glance, my father looks a bit like Mussolini.
When you get to know him a bit, then you realize he really is a little Mengistu .

My best friend remembers when we were kids and the little Mengistu did not allow me to go and play or study at her place because he didn't like the idea that I could have some fun with her and, in that way, waste time. He didn't want to bring me to parties because it was a waste of time. In the rare occasions in which I was exceptionally free of going somewhere, I had a curfew that you would normally give to 5 years old kids.

I thought I could finally have some freedom when I started to shoot arrows seriously. I thought I could have just disregarded his harsh comments and listen just to my coach. I was wrong.
Not only he was insulting me heavily during competitions, but he even left me in Baselga di Piné (300 km from here) as a punishment because I did not have a good score.
He managed to argue with everyone that was trying to make him stop treating me like that.
As a resutl, I started to loose hair and to get full of red spots on my skin, due to stress.
When I won a silver medal at the European championships (he could not come as a spectator!) he called me asking why the hell I was not able to get the precious gold. I was anyways happy about my result and since he was not there I enjoyed really much the celebrations with my friends, but that is another story.

When I finally got the drivers licence, I could decide a bit more about my destiny. I thought that the only thing I could do well without his interference, was studying and doing well at school. The last year of highscool I took the painful decision of quitting archery and to devote my time to learning things that where taught in school.
He was too busy in flirting with teenagers and other women to realize I was finally doing what I wanted. I caught him, several times. When my mother discovered everything, he left. He went to live with a girl that is my age. He told me he was leaving when I was under the shower. Whas he afraid of my reaction? Chicken!

The last news is this: now that he cannot control my life anymore, he is asking me what is the reason why I study, because it would be better for me to be a plumber.

I am just bored of being asked why I don't shoot anymore and why I never talk about my father. I hope I satisfy your curiosity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the arrow should have different targets. Such as a forehead.

And sometimes... ignorance kills the aged ones better than arrows.